
Deliciously musical: "Around Lake Gosau"

Date: Sat, Jul. 20, 2024
This event has already taken place
Location:  Lake Gosau (Gosausee), 4824 Gosau
A musical-culinary summer day at the picturesque Lake Gosau. A delight for all the senses and the whole family. International guests are also welcome. Enjoy the real Austrian way of life!

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A summer like back in the day at Lake Gosau

Fancy a trip to the picturesque Lake Gosau in the heart of the Salzkammergut? Then you should make a note of Saturday, July 20, 2024. Because on this summer day, there is plenty of traditional music and down-to-earth food at the foot of the Dachstein glacier. Of course, the organizers hope for the perfect summer day and look forward to seeing you.

Program Overview

  • 11:00 hrs..: In the "Bärntal" the clarinet music provides the best atmosphere and the "Young Farmers' Women" serve their delicacies.
  • 11:00 hrs. at the "Klacklbemi":
  • Alternately, the violin club music and the MGV Gosau entertain. In between, the Gosau Schuhplatter "D'Dachstoana" dance traditional plattlers. The traditional costume women and the local history association spoil you with local delicacies.
  • Face painting with Lisa & Anna for the younger guests.
  • 11:00 hrs.. Niedere Holzmeisteralm:
  • Music will be performed by the "STS" (Stefan, Tom and Siegi) and the Gosau hunting horn blowers.
  • Culinary specialties from Galloway beef are served, among other things.
  • All dishes are prepared in the hut on the open fire pit (in its original state since 1787).
  • The "Ramsauer Blas" from 17:00 hrs.
  • for the resounding finale at the "Niedere Holzmeisteralm"

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Gosau booking - Are you still looking for accommodation?

Hotels and accommodation providers in Hallstatt, Bad Goisern, Gosau and Obertraun offer the ideal room or apartment for your holidays, no matter what your tastes. Aside from establishments rated according to the international "star" scale, you will also find around Lake Hallstatt in Austria businesses that have been awarded two to four "edelweiss". The more flowers, the greater comforts you can expect. Whether you eventually find your cozy nest in an elegant 5-star luxury hotel, at comfortable guesthouse, a family-friendly apartment, or on a traditional farm, the choice is always entirely up to you.